作者簡介:現任政治大學英文系兼任副教授,教授新聞英語──聽力及客家文化概論。曾任政大公企中心語言組主任,政大英文系主任。專長科目:新聞語──聽力,商用英文,客家文化。致力客家運動十餘年,著有《心懷客家》雜文集(www3.nccu.edu.tw/~pcc/)。 現為公視客家諮詢委員,客家雜誌編輯委員。
ICRT是為在台的外僑--尤其是美籍人士--而設。全天廿四小時分FM和AM以英語播音 ,每小時有整點新聞,每半小時有新聞提要,其中整點新聞又以早上七點到八點最詳盡,中午十二點到十二點半,下午六點到八點半的新聞也相當豐富,重要的新聞會一再重播。只要買台收音機,在家裡,路上,車上隨時隨地都可以收聽,可謂方便至極。另外,播出的新聞都是國內外大事,聽起來較錄音帶教材或廣播教教學教材要來得有真實感,學得的單字也較實用,不容易忘記。
問題是,許多人初聽 ICRT 新聞,就被播報員的播報速度給嚇壞了,認為要聽懂它簡直是不可能的事,於是聽了幾次後便放棄了。也有人認為只要每天把收音機固定在 ICRT 頻道上.整天"浸泡"在 ICRT 節目中,經過潛移默化,不知不覺就會聽懂。許多人聽了多年,音樂聽了不少,但對播報的新聞內容仍然是「有聽沒有懂」。原因到底何在?一言以蔽之 ,「不用心」而已。
(一)重實輕虛:英語是節奏性很高的語言,據學者統計,口說英語中,約每0.6秒出現一強音。一般說來 ,英語的實字(content words)要唸強,實字包括名詞,動詞,形容詞,副詞;虛字(function words)唸弱,虛字包括冠詞,介詞,助動詞,連接詞,代名詞。所以下列兩個句子,儘管字數相差將近一倍,但是唸起來花的時間卻一樣多。
The cat is interested in protecting its kittens.
第一句的強音落在 cat, interested中的in, protecting中的pro及kitten中的kit上;第二句則全部強音。
San Mao won great fame through her essays and novels on love and her travel experiences through the world. 劃底線部分均屬虛字,都被極快速度模糊帶過,如her的[h]和and的[d]音幾乎都不發出。
San Mao won great fame/through her essays and novels on love/and her travel experiences through the world./ 國人學英語習慣逐字聽,因此遇到一口氣吐出成推的字便無法適應。
When the President was asked / that Hau’s lack of financial and economic background will be a problem for the new premier. / Lee responded by saying / the general is much more intelligent /than everyone thinks./
Other than the romance novelist Tsung Yao, San Mao is probably the only writer that has successfully penetrated the hearts of youngsters in mainland China. 說者在Tsung Yao後一定會稍停頓並以22→ non-final的語調說出,而that子句在本句子係限制子句,所以在writer與that之間也是non-final的語調,且中間頓挫是極短促的。
Taro Ishibahi, who is the director of loan aid at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in an interview that Pakistan could default on its debt because of the impact of the Gulf crisis.
The man was told he would have to take his daughter away. He complained. However, the KTVs have become venues for family amusement in Taipei. 三個簡單的句子,聽起來不會太難,但是,第二句的however不注意的話,很容易聽成引起第三句的連接副詞,意思就不同了。
When the scaffolding began to shake, he unfastened his safety belt to try to escape.
(五)拍打音現象(The Flap):口說英語中還有拍打音的現象,就是 [t]、[d]前後都是母音時,[t] [d] 便成拍打音,幾乎發[l]音,如little, important, mountain, couldn’t, didn’t, medal, middle, battle, forget it, not at all等的[t]、[d]音幾乎變成[l] 音,這類字出現在新聞報導的頻率相當高,也是需要多加練習。
(六)字尾「有發無聲」的子音(Non-released final consonants):英語的子音,如[b ][p] [d][t][g][k][f][v][m][n][ng]常出現在單字的字尾,英美人士念這些子音時通常都是「有發無聲」,即發音動作有做,但聲音不釋放出來,像mob, mop, lid, lit, bag, bark, life, live, Tim, tin, sin, sing等。國語字沒有以[d] [g] [m] 結尾的現象,但閩南話及客家話仍然保有漢語中古音促音現象,如客語「法律學」的發音為fab lid hog,閩南話「學習律」的發音為hag xib lud 皆是。另外, 客語與閩南語的「心」皆念xim。英語「有發無聲」的子音非常多,國人學英語重每字都要發得字正腔圓,但英美人士對字尾的子音用「有發無聲」方式處理,如 mop mob;sat sad; see seat seed; today to date; weigh weight;armed robbery; debt dodger; make a comeback; as planned;as scheduled; port pork等都會造成聽力的問題。
(七)省略音(Ellipsis):口說英語中另外一個現象是:兩個音節的字,重音節前的母音常常會省略。如 b(e)cause p(o)lite (a)bout p (o)lice b(e)lieve m(i)stake r(e)ceive d (e)mand 。三音節以上的字則以重音節前後的母音省略。如 d (e)licious b(a)nana chem(i)cal pract(i)cal terr(i)ble choc(o)late bus(i)ness prob(a)bly int(e)resting fam(i)ly fact(o)ry ord(i)nary s(u)ppose gas(o)line fav(o)rite cam(e)ra
(一)結構固定:平面媒體英文的第一段稱為導言(lead),回答who、 when、 where、 why 、what、 how 等問題。廣播新聞英語第一句通常是主旨句,而後以回答前述的六個W方式發展。如 The Ilan City Government’s said enough is enough in its 13-day garbage war with the Ilan County Government. Overflowing with trash and fed up with the county’s foot-dragging on finding a site for a new garbage dump, city garbage men have dumped 11 big trucks packed with wet stinking refuse on the plaza in front of the county office building. City officials say the problem is not theirs any more. It’s up to the county to take out the trash.在第一句主題句出現後,藉著回答六個W的方式,將細節交代清楚。
(二)口語化:現代報紙雜誌英文的文章都盡量淺顯,廣播新聞英語更是如此,以上則報導為例,三言兩語把宜蘭市政府和縣政府垃圾之爭交代得很清楚又傳神,enough is enough, overflowing with, fed up with, foot-dragging, packed with, up to等都是非常口語化的字詞。
Shevardnadze’s warning the dictatorship is coming to the Soviet Union and that if it comes no one can say who would become the dictator.
Shevardnadze’s及Shevardnadze is的省略,warning後有兩個that子句當受詞,第一個that省掉了。聽者常把省略字誤聽為所有格,或常因省略某些字無法充分掌握句子,也是聽力困擾的原因之一。
(四)簡短:理論上說,新聞英語的用字和句子應力求簡短(Keep it short and simple.) 尤其是單字,不宜用艱澀的字,應該用大眾皆易懂的語言。如用bid 取代 attempt:Taiwan’s WHO entry bid. 用 juice,不用electricity:According to Taipower, the juice will be back in 3 hours. 用 woe 取代trouble:economic woes, water woes. Interpellation 可以用question and answer period,甚至 q and a 來取代:During the q and a, the Premier promised to crack down on corruption.
1.由簡入繁:ICRT新聞大致可分國際新聞、國內新聞、經濟新聞、體育新聞,及氣象。對初學者來說,我建議從國內新聞聽起,因為一般說來,聽者對國內新聞的背景比較瞭解,聽起來比較 “順”,同時學到的單字也比較實用,可用在日常生活當中。
A Taichung police officer has been killed in a shootout during an attempt to make an arrest. After receiving a tip on the whereabouts of a known gunman Cheng Chi-ping, the seven-man Taichung Youth Corps Police closed in. After surrounding Cheng’s hideout, police identified themselves. Cheng then opened fire. In the shootout that followed, one officer, Chan Chi-sen, was killed and another, Tseng Chiang-ien, was wounded. Gunman Cheng Chi-ping was found dead on the scene by the police.
2.顧後不瞻前:許多人聽外語常犯的錯誤是只顧揣摩剛剛聽到的是什麼,而忽略了去揣摩說話者將會說什麼。這種現象在一般日常生活的對話中,由於頓挫支吾佔了許多時間,不會產生太大困擾。可是在新聞廣播中,播音員一開口便成串的字流瀉而出,聽者如果還是忙著揣摩所聽到的訊息,不去預測未來的訊息,那只有永遠辛苦的跟著播報員後頭追得非常辛苦,甚至為了顧前而丟了後,結果前後都沒有聽懂。為了避免這種窘像,便要學會如何猜測說話者將要說什麼。新聞體的文章都與何人、何時、何事、何地、為何、如何有關,而前第一句的導言會把重要的訊息傳達出來,之後的報導,朝”六何”的方向猜大致不差。以上面這則新聞為例,聽了第一句 A Taichung police officer has been killed in a shootout during an attempt to make an arrest之後,聽者對整則新聞已有大略的印象,後邊的報導只是比較詳盡的敘述,回答何人、何時、何事、何地、為何、如何等問題。這類新聞聽起來輕鬆許多,這也是聽國內新聞比較容易的原因之一。
In an article entitled “On Local Petrochemical Firms’ Leaving Roots in Taiwan,” Wang said the best bet for Taiwan’s up-and-down-stream petrochemical plants is to facilitate closer cooperation and an exclusive zone in Mainland China.
Adding to the blanket of smog smoldering the capital, the startup of the Christmas holidays has caused traffic jams and brought greater volumes of toxic emissions.